M 8:00 - 6:00
T 9:30 - 6:00
W 1:30 - 6:00
Th 9:30 - 6:00
F 8:00 - 5:00
"As a physician, I had been taught that vision therapy was controversial and could not treat learning disabilities. However,
my personal experience with my daughter proved to me that vision therapy worked, when nothing else did," shares Dr. Katherine Donovan, a psychiatrist from Charleston, S.C. "While vision therapy cannot treat learning disabilities, per se, it absolutely corrected a vision problem which was blocking Lily from being able to learn. After a visit with an optometrist who tested over 15 visual skills critical to reading and learning, I was shocked to learn that Lily was seeing double out to three FEET - which meant that when she tried to read, the words were double. No wonder she hated to read!"
Following optometric vision therapy, "Lily now reads 300 pages a day in her free time, she puts down 'reading' as her
favorite hobby, and she has a 95 average at Buist Academy with NO help from me on her homework! Prior to this, I'd been
spending three to four hours each night, for many years, tutoring Lily," Dr. Donovan shares with delight.
"It is important to remember that normal sight may not
necessarily be synonymous with normal vision. That
being said, if there is a vision problem, it could be
preventing the best tutoring and learning methods from
working. Now that certainly doesn't mean every dyslexic
child needs vision therapy; however, in my opinion, skills such
as focusing, tracking and others are essential foundational tools
for reading. In general, if your child has trouble with reading or
learning to read, getting a vision evaluation to assess skills from
a qualified optometrist would be a smart move."
- Dr. Debra Walhof, Pediatrician and member of the National
Center for Learning Disabilities
Undetected visual skills may be contributing to academic struggles. Vision involves more than the ability to see
20/20. The brain's ability to control the eyes to acquire information accurately, the brain's ability to understand
what the eyes are seeing and the body's ability to use this visual information can affect the above conditions.
If you are struggling with any of the above, go to the Appointments tab and schedule the appropriate visual skills
exam. Visit our blog for the most current information on vision therapy. Join us for complimentary chats
on the first Tuesday of every month from 6:15 - 6:30. Please RSVP two weeks in advance for the seminars.
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